Meet the Founder

Howard Allen

It all started with a drip and a dribble. Once I hit 60, everything started to change. BPH, better known as an enlarged prostate, took hold. I freaked out. Not me… Yes, me!!! The worst part was that unsightly drip stain that sometimes occurred after I urinate. What the hell am I supposed to do? After looking online and in retail stores, there was no underwear other than incontinence briefs and diapers that I could buy. No way!!! Why is there not a solution for someone like me?

Now, for the idea:

For the past 30 years, I have been traveling around the world to source products and develop consumer goods for many of the retailers you currently know and buy from.

My idea: Design and produce a functional, great fitting and very comfortable pair of underwear that does the trick. After a year of work, designing and testing, month after month, we did it!! Confident Male was born. Annnnnd, it works!!!

I wear it. I love it. I'm now a true believer and a real Confident Male!